Nature Box

Remember my Daily Dose of Green boxes?  While I really enjoyed getting a little package of goodies every month, I also realized after giving it a fair shot of 4 months, I just wasn’t using many of the product samples.  After the initial excitement wore off, many of these samples are still sitting in their boxes (even as we speak!).

However, I did use (read: eat) all of the food products from each one, so I searched around online for a monthly subscription box tailored towards healthy foods.  Little did I know, there is an entire world of these monthly food boxes out there, let me tell ya!

Are you a foodie, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, Paleo, or going green?  Do you desire gourmet, organic, or just plain healthy snacks?  Is it for you, your family, or an entire office?  There is something for literally everyone!

I decided all I was looking for was a little excitement in my food world.  I love sampling new healthy foods but I also do not intend on spending a fortune to do so.  Personally, I like a couple extra snacks now and then as a supplement to my normal groceries.

nature box april

I finally came across Nature Box that appears to suit my needs wants.  The company sends out a small box of about 5 different healthy snacks for only $15 per month.  I’ve been meaning to share the goods for the last couple days but wanted to taste-test them all first.

So let’s take a look inside!

nature box april 2

This one came with a little card describing each of the snacks and a few suggestions on how to enjoy them.

nature box snacks1

Honey Mesquite Almonds, Toasted Cheddar Stix, and Roasted Kettle Kernels

nature box snacks2

Dried Granny Smith Apples and Sunshine Chips

I’ve now tasted them all and am really happy with each one!

Honey Mesquite Almonds

honey mesquite almonds

You may know how much I love to snack on all kinds of nuts and nut butters so it’s a no-brainer that I love these.  They have a very subtle smoky flavor with a hint of sweetness.

Toasted Cheddar Stix

cheddar sesame sticks

These reminded me of those sesame sticks that sometimes come in a package of trail mix, only cheesy!  Quite addicting!

Roasted Kettle Kernels

Roasted Kettle Kernels Handful

I briefly mentioned these in my WIAW post earlier this week.  They are a bit like half-popped popcorn kernels with a little sweetness and have an after-taste that made me think of corn puffs cereal.  Super crunchy treat and would be a great addition in a trail mix!

Dried Granny Smith Apples

dried apple rings

The ingredient list was “apples”.  Can’t get much simpler than that!  The apples were a little chewy and not as tart as a fresh granny smith apple would be, but they were very fun to eat!

apple peanut butter sandwich

For a snack, I spread some Reginald’s Apple Sin Peanut Butter and sprinkled cinnamon on top, then squished together for a little sandwich.  Yummy!

Sunshine Chips

sunshine chips

This was a mixed bag of several different dried, crispy baked veggies.  To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I imagined greasy, salty chips much like a potato chip would be but to my surprise, they were not greasy at all!

Plus, the ingredient list was pretty simple too: sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, taro, beets, and green beans, plus a little canola oil and salt.  Not too bad!

The verdict?  Overall I am very pleased with my change in monthly subscription boxes!  It hasn’t even been a full week and I’ve tried every single one, unlike my previous subscription.  Plus, I know nothing will go to waste.  Now, that’s being more green! 🙂

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5 thoughts on “Nature Box

  1. Mandy April 5, 2013 at 7:57 am Reply

    I love the idea of those type of boxes, but I know I could eat all of those kernels and cheddar sticks in one sitting! I’m such a bad snacker when it comes to little crunchy things! I’m a crunchy food craver as opposed to sweets!

    • lrsaar April 5, 2013 at 10:15 am Reply

      Same here! One day on my way home from work, I snacked on handfuls upon handfuls from each bag and kept rotating! I just couldn’t get enough!

  2. cleaneatingveggiegirl April 5, 2013 at 2:23 pm Reply

    Ah, so that is where you got the kettle kernels!! Those almonds sound fabulous, too!

  3. […] Nature Box ( […]

  4. […] these things!  I believe they are the same as the roasted kettle kernels from April’s box which I adored!  They remind me of those half-popped popcorn kernels at the bottom of the […]

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